Friday 24 June 2011

Seven Day Countdown - Day 6

With six days to go today has been a great day, firstly as thing's stand (19:18 Friday 24th June) we're just £20 away from hitting out £1000 target. We're obviously delighted with that but we're going to press on and go for more. Many thanks to all who have donated thus far.

Martin House have today confirmed that they'll send us sports vest's for us to wear throughout our ride and I do believe Pablo is trying to arrange t-shirts to wear in the evening, all hopefully will increase visibility for the cause and will lead to donations whilst we're out riding.

A big thank-you to Morrisons for kindly donating 5 cases of bottled water as well as 2 cases of 'Eat Natural' bars. It's a superb donation to us and I'm sure the produce will keep us going throughout the 3 days. Thanks also to Mandy for arranging this for us via a contact at work.

We now know where our stop off's for the event will be, first night will be spent just east of Seascale with night 2 in Penrith and our final night in Consett. We're staying in a mixture of YHA property's and B&B's all of which look fantastic and have been very reasonably priced.

On the training side of things Chris has completed around 8 miles tackling the gruesome Copley Hill twice in one day. Chris and Tim have also opted for one more big training ride which is due for completion first thing tomorrow morning - I'll keep you posted on how it goes!!